Christopher Bramley - Agile Serbia
Christopher Bramley
Christopher Bramley

Christopher Bramley

Chris is an experienced senior leader, executive and org coach, and true change specialist in ecosystem and culture. He has extensive experience in complex organizations in the private and public sectors and is a Director in two consultancies. His background and experience are as a multi-domain coach, speaker, and teacher in helping organizations surface and deliver evolving and sustained change using complex thinking, agility, human learning and engagement, and understanding innovation and lateral ways of thinking in distributed and sustainable business practices. He works with industry leaders at the forefront of evolving multiple fields (agility, complexity, coaching, neurodiversity in business) and is a co-author/speaker in a number of arenas including TEDx, complexity, agility, and strategy. Learning is a passion in all arenas, and diversity and inclusion as well as neurodiversity and mental health awareness, vulnerability, psychological safety, and establishing trust are paramount.

Topic: Brace yourselves, the change is coming: How can leadership turn fear into progress?


It can be very difficult for modern leaders to make decisions as our world has become ever faster and more complex, and there is now a perceived turf war between remote and hybrid in the mix as well which is further generating fear and mistrust. We’re under intense pressure to always have the answers and make perfect decisions, and the truth is that no one person can make all the decisions, or get them all correct. When we are under this duress, we fall into default patterns of behavior which often escalate our commitment and make it harder for us to do things optimally, and this is a spiral that induces the seeking of comfort, old legitimacy models, and fear of change. But when change is upon us, we can either be a part of it or have it inflicted… and accepting that uncertainty, discomfort, and risk takes profound courage for leaders. Yet this doesn’t mean it’s not safe. Join Chris as he explores these concepts, explains why working distributed is the way forward in a meta-complex post-COVID world, and some of the perceptive shifts and applications we can use to have that courage, to be exemplary leaders and pioneer sustainable, beneficial, and resilient change for our organizations.

Do you want to hear him? Get your ticket HERE

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