Modern Sensei: Final conclusions

The effective leader recognizes that they are more dependent on their people than they are on them. Walk softly.
Brian Tracy, worldwide Coach and Consultant
We reached the last segment of our destination called Modern Sensei: Leadership. But, basically, it’s not the end, it’s just the beginning of one amazing (very often challenging) adventure. And listen – everybody can be a leader. We don’t exaggerate in this claim. But, it takes time, will and belief that you can make great things for you and your team. Being a complete leader is art.
Evolution of a leader, what defines a great leader, why leadership principles are important, what are the main leadership qualities and how you can distinguish a leader and a manager are basic topics for understanding this mindset, right? So, let’s focus on some essential conclusions.
Leadership as a secret spice
Let’s remind that there are various opinions about who or what is a leader. According to our Linkedin survey, 35% of respondents said that a leader is a creative visionary and designer of good working culture. Then 18% said that leaders are agents of change and in the end, 12% said that leader is one bold and careful teacher. Generally speaking – a leader is someone who is thirsty for knowledge, experiences and good working people with a sense of fellowship.
Leadership is solving problems. The day soldiers stop bringing you their problems is the day you have stopped leading them. They have either lost confidence that you can help or conclude you do not care. Either case is a failure of leadership.
Collin Powell
Great leaders have a growth mindset and project it onto their teams. Also, great leaders leverage team diversity by creating safe environments where everyone feels comfortable. The latest statistics tell us that only 5% of businesses have implemented leadership development at all levels. Also, did you hear the phrase – the more women in leadership, the better the shareholder ROI? Yes, these statistics said that we need to do more to get women on the executive floor, and why hiring women into an organization that promotes leadership development and growth is essential for success. Do you remember our flawless description of one leader?
Let’s summarize:
In order to be a good (and when the times goes by – a fantastic) leader you have to have the enthusiasm of the child; communication of the journalist; the eloquence of the priest; prudence of the diplomat; courtesy of the king; definitely courage of a mountain guide; sometimes discretion of the lawyer; in each situation manners of a gentleman; always the curiosity of the researcher and patience of Japanese zen Buddhist.
In the sense of Scrum Leadership, we can all agree on one – this is a thrilling and never-ending ride. Logically, there are three types of leadership. As the product owner, you lead the product and you are responsible for its overall success. The cross-functional development team makes the design and technology decisions; and the Scrum Master guides process and organizational change, as the following picture shows.
To be a great leader, you must deeply understand your team

And this is one of the greatest facts when we talk about leadership.
In order to call (in the first place) yourself a true and valuable leader, you must understand the needs of your team. Of course, Scrum Masters are focusing on processes and does the team fulfill all necessary aspects and Product Owners on communication and clients’ demands.
Don’t doubt yourself, the leader is you. And for that reason, you maybe need guidance – CAL Course with Olaf Lewitz that re exceptional each time. Olaf is an Agile Leadership Guru, a guy who lives leadership in practice and masters the foundation of leadership.
article written by Meredith Wailes published on Bloom Leadership and Roman Picher, published on Roman Picher