Dejan Miličić - Agile Serbia

Dejan Miličić

Dejan Miličić is an enthusiastic consultant and Head of DevRel at RavenDB with over 25 years of experience as a professional software developer designing, writing, and maintaining applications. Dejan is passionate about Open Source, RavenDB, Software Architecture, and Software Professionalism, supporting the Software Crafting Serbia community via workshops and meetups. He is an active proponent of knowledge sharing, professional ethics, and usage of Type Driven Development and Functional techniques to reduce complexity, increase expressiveness, and improve the correctness of software. Dejan works on open-source projects in his spare time, mentors startups in various development phases, and participates in Startup Accelerator programs supporting entrepreneurs through on-site and off-site consultations.

Topic: CQRS – Do you really need two databases?

Dive into the depths of Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) as we unravel the history, philosophy, and real-world applications of this architectural style. CQRS promises a separation of concerns, but does it also necessitate the separation at the persistence level? We will critically examine the distinction between read and write models supporting CQRS. By the end of this talk, you’ll be armed with the insights to determine if, when, and why two databases might be just what your project needs — or not.

Key takeaways:

Grasp the origins and motivations behind the CQRS
Understand the intricacies of separating read and write models on the database level
Equip yourself with criteria and guidelines to make informed decisions on whether employing one or two databases is the right choice

Do you want to hear him? Get your ticket HERE

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