Petri Heiramo
Petri Heiramo

Petri Heiramo

Petri Heiramo is an experienced Agile trainer and coach. Certified by Scrum Alliance as a Certified Scrum Trainer in 2008, he has run more than 300 certified trainings, plus many other trainings and coaching.

Petri has trained and certified a few thousand people as CSMs and CSPOs, in organizations ranging from small companies and startups, to multinational giants worldwid He has garnered almost 20 years of experience in IT as a developer, Project Manager, QA Manager, Scrum Master, Process Developer, Coach and Trainer – and experienced both the traditional and Agile approachPetri sees Agile as a holistic approach for business success. It’s not just the teams; it’s the culture and behavior of the whole organization. All levels and aspects of the organization should embrace the mindset, and then find the ways in which they can all work together to a shared goal. Therefore it is important to remain practical in the adoption of AgileAs a Coach Petri gets great reviews from the people participating in his trainings.

Participants in the trainings have liked the interactive style and many conversations around the training topics. With plenty of exercises he is challenging participants to think and learn together, and is able to handle most questions people toss at him.