What is the VUCA world?
Today, we live in the so-called “VUCA” world, which is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Bob Johansen, of the Institute for the Future, mentioned VUCA in the bu ...

The journey of Scrum Master – diving into the practice
What does a Scrum Master actually do? How does their workday look like? Also, does their daily routine change as they engage with more teams? What beyond Scrum Master? So many interesting questions an ...

The role of HR in Agile transformation
The benefits of the Agile way of doing business are visible very quickly if the basic recommendations are applied in daily work. Agile HR enables experimentation, and step-by-step progress, tolerating ...

The key piece of a big puzzle – Product Owner as a Product Master
Transitioning to an Agile approach in product development brings a set of new rules, as well as roles and concepts, and the building of a new culture. One of the most important roles within this proce ...