What is Employee experience?
Great employee experience translates into great business results! You need to keep employees happy, connected, engaged, and safe, both physically and virtually.

New workforce trends and HR agility
The whole world is facing the "Great resignation" phenomenon when more than half of the employees are looking for a new job or are planning to do so in the near future.

What is the VUCA world?
Today, we live in the so-called “VUCA” world, which is an acronym for Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity. Bob Johansen, of the Institute for the Future, mentioned VUCA in the bu ...

The role of HR in Agile transformation
The benefits of the Agile way of doing business are visible very quickly if the basic recommendations are applied in daily work. Agile HR enables experimentation, and step-by-step progress, tolerating ...